HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BITCH! mr. horny on main but also corny on main coming at ya LIVE!!!!

id like to think that our friendship is formed by sincerity and honesty so well start with that. honestly, when i look back at when we first met, i hardly see the boy i used to know in the 5th grade. to be entirely frank, i was a plastic, cold hearted bitch back then and thats just me being entirely up front about my past persona LOL the bitches that weve buried from our pasts are unlikable creatures, but i think theyre important factors in order for us to compare how much weve grown!!

but focusing on you, i cannot put into mere words how terribly proud i am of your development. at such a young age, youve been through so much shit and i cannot fathom how someone as fragile as you can bear such weight, but the mere fact that youve managed to rise from that at the very end is an inspiring story in itself. now, you still go through the same bullshit youve told me thats occurred in your household, yet you still manage to come out strong. yes, there are time where youve broken down and cried, but at the end youre still left standing and thats enough evidence to my theory that youre a really strong person. and i adore you for that, and i wish i could put into words how much i do.

in all honesty, youre not the best person, but that just makes you more raw and real. youre a genuine person and youre the pure essence of youth. i dont mean to wax poetry but i do mean it in this sense. you can be immature at times but  your willingness to change and your eagerness to see where youre wrong and actually improve from those flaws is a trait that not everyone adapts. thats what makes you special. you allow yourself to grow rather than let the natural process of it be forced unto you. thats something ive always noticed about you from afar and i heavily admire it, and of course as a stubborn, adamant angry bitch ass self person myself, its something that inspires me. 

ive mentioned before that youre a genuine, bonafide person. you have this sanguine energy thats honestly so contagious that it allows people to be more??? honest around you? open? youre just really warm to be with and thats something rlly special imo. people can talk to you comfortably or at least most people that i know because youre so soft and real. its a nice trait of your that ive also come to realize.

ANYWAY.. moving on to me literally dissecting your character from my hyperfixating observations, i of course dont wish to not mention how thankful i am for you. i dont say it a lot because i have great trouble in dealing with my proper feelings but, youve inspired me to actually grow and change myself as a person whenever i see how soft and willing you are. you arent as aggressive or ‘ venomous ‘ towards other people whove hurt you and you still seek out the good in others. you arent as petty as most people and thats such a good trait. thats something in you that i long to be.

youre a wonderful friend. ive mentioned it over and over again that i absolutely hate being the one in the spotlight when it comes to the terms of my feelings, but the fact that youve given me an ear to talk to whenever i felt down and the time that i was upset meant so much to me. ive a list of disorders that prevent me from wanting to cope up with bottled feelings but, unknowingly, youve given me a remedy to that stupid feeling.

itll get darker in this bit, but the moment ill forever appreciate was you listening to me when i was close to an actual suicide attempt. i cannot tell you how brutal and severe that exact moment was to me, and its a scene thats privy to only you and me. the urge to break the glass wall and actually kill myself with a remnant of its shattered debris was terribly strong and i had to hold myself and breathe properly while i cried lots. ive never resorted to harming myself before but at that moment i did and i was still sobbing to the point i genuinely thought i was going to lose my ability to breathe. i felt so lost at that time, everything was so gravitational towards the vortex of my current depressive episode. ive never felt a stronger urge to actually kill myself at the spot and i think i would have if it wasnt for you.

i cannot tell you nor can i show you how thankful i am for you to listen at that time even if my words were barely coherent. everytime i look back at it i honestly still cry at its brutality, but smile at your kindness and patience towards the entire event.

youve been such a wonderful friend to me despite me not being the best person around. i have my flaws and my hardships but you see past them as do i to you. youre an important factor in my life, a person i never want to let go of ever.

i could tel you a million things but none of them would fit in any letter.

i love you, marc. thank you so much for everything and thank you for being my friend. thank you for being who you are.

youre the kirishima to my kaminari, the player 2 to my player 1.

youre my best friend and you re a person i appreciate till the ends of earth.

happy birthday, marc. i love you !



xoxo, miles

happy birthday